Diseases and Therapies


They occur when one of the components of the immune system is missing or if it does not function as it should. In such cases, the body becomes vulnerable to infections that it can normally defeat.
Immunodeficiencies are either primary (congenital) or secondary (acquired).

The World Health Organization recognizes 185 primary immune deficiencies, the most common of which are related to poor antibody production.

Therapies involve regular administration of immunoglobulins to reduce the frequency and severity of infections and to increase life expectancy.

Autoimmune diseases

They occur when the immune system begins to attack healthy cells of its own body, and no longer differentiates between its own cells and some foreign cells.

Worldwide, there is a wide variety of autoimmune diseases which affect millions of people. The incidence of these conditions appears to be on the rise.

Therapies recommended in such cases involve the administration of immunoglobulins.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

It is an infection of the liver, which affect millions of people worldwide. The complications are associated with cirrhosis and liver cancer. A viable option in such cases is liver transplantation. The prevention of HBV reinfection can be effectively achieved with hepatitis B immunoglobulin in combination with antiviral therapy.

Hepatitis B is contagious, and it can be transmitted from carrier mothers to their infants during childbirth. In such cases, administration of the same hepatitis B immunoglobulin is recommended.


It is a haemorrhagic hereditary disease, caused by the deficiency of a coagulation protein (coagulation factor), which is normally present in the plasma. This causes people suffering from this condition to bleed for a longer time than people whose level of coagulation factors is normal.

This disease is genetically transmitted from father to daughter and from mother to son. Its incidence is of 1 or 2 out of 10,000 male births. In Romania, there are approximately 2,200 people suffering from haemophilia.

Haemophilia can be successfully managed via the replacement therapy of the deficient coagulation factor. The therapy can be “on demand” for the treatment of active bleeding, or “prophylactic”, by maintaining the level of coagulation factors in order to prevent bleeding.


It is a clinical syndrome due to a negative reaction of the body to an infection. The clinical evolution from sepsis to severe sepsis and septic shock can be very quick, with associated mortality increasing exponentially from one phase to the next. Severe sepsis is a pathological condition of sepsis complicated by at least one organ dysfunction. Septic shock, as an exacerbation of severe sepsis, is associated with an acute circulatory insufficiency with hypotension refractory to adequate fluid administration.

Time is one of the most important variables in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with sepsis, and any delays can cause irreversible multiple organ failures.

One treatment option consists in the intravenous administration of IgM-enriched immunoglobulin, in addition to antibiotic therapy, during early stages of severe sepsis or septic shock.


It is a serious disease that affects the nervous system and causes severe muscle contractions, especially in the jaw and throat. It is caused by a bacterium that enters the body through a deep cut or a puncture.

The therapy involves active immunization with tetanic anatoxin, by administering the tetanus adsorbed vaccine. It helps the body create its own protection (antibodies) against tetanus. The lack of any treatment can be life-threatening.